She’s Pregnant; What Do I Do
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenge
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenge
Do you think you’re pregnant? Have taken a urine pregnancy test which is 99 percent accurate? Have you been diagnosed with a viable pregnancy with
¿Crees que estás embarazada? ¿Se ha hecho una prueba de embarazo en orina con una precisión del 99 por ciento? ¿Le han diagnosticado un embarazo
En octubre de 1987 se creó el Mes de Concientización sobre la Violencia Doméstica (DVAM). DVAM es una forma de conectar y unir a individuos
In October 1987, Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) was created. DVAM is a way to connect and unite individuals and organizations working on domestic violence
“¡No puedo hacerlo!” Bueno, si esa es tu mentalidad y así es como realmente te sientes, tienes razón, no puedes y no lo harás. Sin
“I can’t do it!” Well, if that is your mindset and that is how you truly feel, you are right, you can’t and you won’t.
Enfrentarse a un embarazo no planificado puede hacer que su mente se sobrecargue. Puede sentirse como si tuviera un millón de preguntas disparando todas al
Facing an unplanned pregnancy can send your mind into overdrive. It can feel like you have a million questions firing all at the same time.
257 East 2nd Avenue, Escondido, CA 92025 | 760-825-4713
Alternatives does not provide/refer for contraception or abortion.
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